Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Extraction update.

I was able to get squeezed into the dentist for what I thought was just an evaluation. I was glad, since I had the day off already. But, after they evaluated, I realized that they were about to pull'em out! I was scared enough already, but thought I had a few days to let it soak in. Nope. I am now nursing my wounds and about to enjoy some mashed potatos and pudding for dinner. I need food, to take my pain midication. What a day!

Oh Sucky Day.

My worst fears came true today. Extractions are coming my way. We will be getting rid of one tooth from the bottom and another two from the top. It is commendable that my ortho tried to do it without extractions, but today he saw the light or stepped into the darkness... whatever you prefer and saw that it would ultimately be impossible to straighten my trap without pulling teeth. I was expecting some extractions in the first place. I was very excited when he said that I wouldn't have to. Now I am let down.

On the bright side. While I had originally gone in to switch out my upper appliances, I am now getting a break from them. I can already tell how I really have more room. That is the bright side.


Monday, August 07, 2006

Oh the pain!

Today, I went back to the ortho. They pulled out my appliance for my palate..... the roof of my mouth. In order to do this, they apply enough pressure to break the seal of the cement. My teeth were already sensitive due to the fact that the appliance was moving them around. I screamed like a baby! At one time I asked the ortho assistant if my teeth were still in there and thankfully they were. After this, they made an impression to get ready for the appliance that is taking me the rest of the way. I will get the new appliance in two weeks. Unfotunately though, they had to put the old appliance back in to make sure they kept the space where it was. Just as they had trouble getting both sides in the first time, they had to wrestle it back in this time and more pain ensued.

On the bright side, while the appliance was out, I went around the office, when I got up to wrinse my mouth out and stuff, mumbling and talking and enjoying the space I have been with out for so many weeks. Ahh. It felt like I actually had more room in my mouth. Judging by the appliance I have on, I have widened at least a good 1/4 inch in the last 5.5 weeks. Except for the obvious soreness in the teeth on occassion, I haven't felt any pain from the appliance doing its job on my bones. I have only felt a little pressure from it. Yippy! Anyway, it is back to food processor food again. After doing what they did today, my teeth alignment is off again.